Standard Kit

Standard Kit


This is perfect for homebrewers and professionals that want to experiment. You can collect and ship back 5 different samples, all of which will hopefully contain one or more viable yeast strains. The strains remain the property of Wild Pitch Yeast but will be added to our growing collection with your name included in the details about the strain’s origin. Pitchable quantities can then be ordered by you or anyone else at our standard prices. For $25/strain, we will also identify your strains at the species level with our LS-SI analysis.

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At Wild Pitch Yeast, we’re all about the local movement: grow local, buy local, drink local. We love beers that are made with hometown ingredients, and there’s no reason that shouldn’t include local yeast. Although we offer a collection of yeasts from Indiana and various other states and countries, we’d love to help you find an ultra-local brewing strain from your own town, brewery, or back yard.

That’s where our yeast hunting kits come in. We will send you a sample collection kit with simple instructions so that you can go bio-prospecting for the yeasts that are all around you. Upon receipt of the kit in our lab, the samples will be processed to enrich for ethanol-tolerant yeasts, analyzed for their aroma and flocculation characteristics, and the strains will be imaged by light microscopy. All of these data will be returned to you within two weeks of the beginning of sample processing.